Red Rose Bridal Bouquets

 Red Rose Bridal Bouquets

The universal symbol of everlasting love and passion, red roses have been used across cultures to express feelings of desire for centuries. Red roses also symbolise romance, beauty and courage, making them the ideal wedding flower for brides who love this strong statement colour and everything it represents.

However, being such a bold hue, it takes some careful planning to style red roses in a way that feels chic and sophisticated, especially when paired with other colours. So, let’s look at some ideas for using red David Austin Wedding Roses in an elegant fine art wedding style. Whatever your wedding vibe, from minimal modern to lush and garden-inspired, you’re sure to find some inspiration for your own red rose bridal bouquet.

Paris Wedding

Classic luxe red rose bouquet

Less is more with this striking yet understated cluster of stunning red roses. What could be more chic? Here our classic beauty Tess is unadorned with foliage or other flowers, and allowed to shine in all her velvety, sumptuous glory. This red rose bouquet feels luxe and modern and is ideal for Francophile brides who favour elegant simplicity. Discover this Paris wedding with red roses for inspiration to weave this style of bouquet into your overall wedding design.

Red Bridal Bouquet

Dramatic Dutch Masters style wedding bouquet

For a softer, more natural look, consider including delicate flowers, trailing tendrils and blousy roses in neutral tones for a beautiful garden look. Inspired by the lush aesthetic of the world-renowned Dutch Master’s paintings, this oversized freeform bouquet feels delightfully wild and abundant. The touches of blush in the bouquet, courtesy of Constance and Charity, complement the bride’s stunning pale pink Monique Lhuillier gown.

Red Pink Bridal Bouquet
Red And Pink Wedding Flowers

Contemporary crescent red rose bouquet

If you have chosen a heavily embellished wedding gown like this elegant long-sleeve beaded lace Eisen Stein dress, a single-flower bouquet is the perfect finishing touch. Here, our vibrant, blousy Tess is styled in a dramatic crescent shape, which pairs beautifully with the elegant bridal gown for this winter wedding. Tess is a classic beauty, and her deep red petals unfurl and captivate like no other rose.

Red Wedding Bouquet
Red Rose

Bold pink and red bridal bouquet

For style-conscious brides with their finger on the pulse of everything that’s hot right now, a combination of pink and red roses is the ultimate choice. It is a striking alternative to red alone and creates a fresh feel that’s both luxe and modern. Choose from hot fuchsia varieties like Kate, Capability or Hettie, softer sweet pink roses like Constance and Miranda, or muted shades like Keira or Charity. We love to see this mix of shades paired with soft green or navy blue bridesmaid dresses.

Red And Pink Bridal Bouquet
Bold Wedding Flowers

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